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Plastic Battle

Here is a little story about plastic

We use so much plastic it is drastic

More plastics in the ocean than in the galaxy

I’m telling you now, it is a tragedy 

500 million straws a day

lets reduce plastic right away

Get me out of here its toxic acid

We can be the waste heroes 

Here to save the world chocking from plastic 

Papatuanuku said this is drastic x2

Saving the turtles 

Saving the planet

Giving birth to a healthy earth

Saving papatuanuku

Being plastic-free is super important to me

Just have a look at your future earth 

Now listen to my very big beat 

And hear this song

You all know what's wrong yeah x2

Reduce Reuse recycle in any way

Here to save the world chocking from plastic 

Papatuanuku said this is drastic x2

The world is rolling, plastic is controlling

When a balloon pops the party stops

It's not party it's real

the animals can feel

its a bigs deal

Get the plastic in the re-using bin 

put them together we win 

Here to save the world chocking from plastic 

Papatuanuku said this is drastic x2

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